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SBL Aloe Socotrina

Original price was: $8.00.Current price is: $6.40.

(In Stock)

SKU: DZX61967328 Category:

Details of SBL Aloe Socotrina :

  • Aloes Socotrine has marked action in treating hemorrhoids caused on account of leading sedentary life and portal congestion. It is indicated in bleeding piles which appear like a bunch of grapes which are bluish in color. There is constant bearing down pain in the rectum, with intense itching and burning in anus. This pain prevents the patient from sleeping. Anus is very much tender, hot and sore with loose stool. The Pain is worse from heat and better by cold application.
  • Aloes Socotrine is also a chief remedy for diarrhoea. Diarrhoea is caused suddenly after eating and drinking. Diarrhoea drives the patient out of bed in the morning. Stools are scanty, watery, yellowish with jelly like mucus in the stool. Before the stool there is a feeling of fullness and tightness in the abdomen and heaviness in the rectum. During stool there is cutting, gripping colicky pain in the abdomen, excruciating pain with much flatus. Diarrhoea is worse after beer. Diarrhoea alternates with headache.
  • Aloes Socotrine is helpful in dysentry. There is inflammatory condition in the lower colon and rectum. Bloody discharge with much jelly like mucus and less blood. There is profound weakness and prostration from dysentry.
  • Aloes Socotrine also helps in constipation due to sedentary life. Hard lump without any urge to pass stools. Stools are solid and masses of mucus pass involuntarily. There is entire loss of sensation in the anus.


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