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SBL Ammonium Nitricum

Original price was: $7.00.Current price is: $5.60.

(In Stock)

SKU: DZX61967304 Category:

Description of SBL Ammonium Nitricum :-

Causes & Symptoms for Ammonium NitricumIt causes diminished temperature, slower pulse, and improves urine flow.Congestion and inflammation of the bronchial mucus membrane, convulsionsAll discharges acrid , yellow and watery in nature, used to diminish the excessive secretions.The discharges cause redness, itching and swelling of the parts. HeadAmmonium Nitricum is indicated for Pain in head with nausea and watering from eyes. Eyes, ear, nosePain in eyes with watering.Stoppage of nose mostly at night; must breathe through mouthMouth and ThroatCannot talk for getting out of breath, morning hoarseness, cough ticklingStomach and abdomenPain in abdomen with vomiting and diarrhea. Nausea with weakness.Burning in oesophagus.Hard, crumbling stools require great effort in expulsionHaemorrhoids, Piles sore and smarting; with burning and stinging in the rectum for hours after stool. SkinSkin appears red and inflamed. GeneralitiesOffensive, thin, excoriating Discharges indicates Ammonium Nitricum.The pains are biting and burning in character


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